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window.klarnaAsyncCallback = function () {
client_id: "klarna_live_client_IXJjeENTKiEveC1Ed2R2cXooVEVBSjMtKXRrLVElWUssMGM1ZTc3ZDQtMDBjYy00Nzc5LWFiZTAtOWEwZDVkNDI1ZjAyLDEsMWc1VWZFR2xKSDRYTng4RDFQZFh4ZlhCYUsvakdKclhxNmt0ZE1SZzVYbz0",
container: "#container",
theme: "default",
shape: "default",
on_click: (authorize) => {
// Here you should invoke authorize with the order payload.
{ collect_shipping_address: true },
payload, // order payload
(result) => {
// The result, if successful contains the authorization_token
function load_callback(loadResult) {
// Here you can handle the result of loading the button
My Shopping Bag
Your Shopping Bag Is Empty
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